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What does the term Self confidence really mean? We have noticed that there are many misconceptions. A self confidence is not a scarcity meaning that if you have a solid self confidence it robs others from having it. I doesn’t mean either that you take someone else’s self confidence, everyone needs to develop it by themselves. We claim that it is better for you the more people you know that have a solid self confidence than the opposite.
Even in disagreements it is definitely self confidence to say what you need to say and listen with respect to what the other person has to say. This way you both show respect to the other person and you show self confidence that you can handle what the other person is saying to you. You can handle it in a calm manner without freaking out.
You can rush into a wall with your head and believing that you will make it but that is not a rational thing to do. So is that what we are talking about here, no. No foolish or dangerously crazy thing at all. Self confidence is a mature, solid and acquired trait, like a skillset that is acquired thorough in depth study and practice.
Self confidence is the belief that you will figure things out along the way. You know that you will find solutions along the way. You don’t need everything figured out since things can change along the way. You know that there is no guarantees but that doesn’t freak you out. You know that you have faced uncertainty before so you kind of count on that pieces will fall into its places as you go. You also know that you can ask for help and that a smart team is a good idea to team up with in details that is too time consuming for you to know by heart.
If you want to acquire a solid Self Confidence and not being jealous or envious of others who have it, sign up to our Coaching sessions – links in the top menu.
Self confidence is so much more and we have our Live Speeches about this so follow us on social media and subscribe to our Newsletters so you don’t miss out on our The Myths of Self Confidence Speeches coming soon in English and in Swedish in Stockholm.